
Monday, May 3, 2010

Jon Gosselin's No Hair Hawk

Thanks to reader M. McKinne for sending this picture in. Well, it seems the more hair Kate has, the less Jon does. We do know one thing: Jon is really dedicated to hanging onto the little hair he has left (and this is even after a hair transplant).

When life gives Jon lemons, he sure tries his best to make lemonade!


  1. He should use a non water based styling product, like American Crew Fiber Creme. It gives thin hair a thicker appearance, which would make his diffuse thinning less obvious.

  2. Hopefully his popularity will thin a lot quicker.

  3. Some new candidates that should be included are:

    Manu Ginobili of the San Antonio Spurs - he's 30 going on 40 and now that him and the Spurs are out of this year's playoffs, maybe he can afford to go find a barber and do us all a favor and shave that increasngly balding head of his head for a change!

    Rip Hamilton of the Detroit Pistons - once the NBA issued a dress code about players wearing cornrows, apparently not only has part of his game went on a recession but so did most of his hair! Too many years of wearing tight cornrows caught up with this guy's hair and now we can where the recession in his hair line is.

  4. hhhmmm when I started to lose my hair (at 21) I ask my friends (who are girls) about it and they told me just to clip it. But when I was thinning I did try this Mohawk thing because I told myself will you might as well have one before it all goes away. Even if he has more hair added on we are still going to know about it because he is famous (not for the best reasons)

  5. he's my idol. i love his reality shows!!! grr.. hot asian looking guy!

  6. I still watch Jon & Kate plus 8. He’s not an A-list celebrity anyway. His funny fatherly antics made him noticeable amongst all reality stars. He’s also cute and charming. So no hair loss could detach me from my adoration for him. Or just to solve it, he can get some non surgical hair replacement system. It can save him a dime and support his 8 kids.

    Great blog here, my friend.
