Friday, September 18, 2009

Tony Bennett!

Stating the obvious. I know. But I still have to post about the obvious. Tony Bennett has been a toupee wearer for longer than I have been alive. If there was a toupee hall of fame he would be one of the first inducted. Without further delay, Tony Bennett and his many toupees:


  1. Forget his heart... looks more like he left his hair in San Francisco.

  2. I remember seeing an album cover of Bennett with the Count Basie Orchestra and without the hair appliance. It must have been one of those weaker moments just before he made the decision to go fuzzy forever! A friend told me he never saw a good toupee. He's right ... you don't!

  3. Gotta love that TONY BENNETT album cover that instructs us all to "SING YOU SINNERS"! And, yes, if Tony thinks we don't know about his great many toupees, he dreams in vain! Something about European men 'of a certain age' that think sex appeal is projected through the top of their head. They have totally swallowed whole what their media marketing bosses have told them about sex appeal...scary to think what the 'bosses' look like! According to the "Zen of Tony Bennett" video, newly out on Netflix, he really is vain; he IS the family business and his many kids all work for HIM. They own the studio, direct him, record him, clothe him, travel with him, and now make movies about him. They are occasionally slapped down verbally by him to 'be quiet' which probably wouldn't fly with music professionals not related to him. However, I digress. The wearers of toupees can either collect their own hair, or, have it surgically removed from other fuller parts of uh, their body, in preparation for custom-weaving, and/or they can purchase a ready-made human hair toupee, allowing them to claim: "it's absolutely real hair"! . . . which, of course, it is. Whole villages in India, Tibet, the Philippines, and the Asia-Pacific rim, have industries devoted to the human hair market, to service the Tony Bennetts of the world, along with the Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears hair-extensions market.. "All is Vanity" proclaimed Biblical Tony's case he simply looks a little silly in a wig. Can't someone please communicate it to him???

  4. Just saw Tony Bennett on an old show with Fred Astaire, he was wearing a rug so full, it looked like a beaver climbed on his dead, died & was blown dried, teased & spread everywhere! I thought, that is the worse toupee or hairpiece I have ever seen, until Fred Astaire sat next to Tony, YIKES, from bad to worst!! With all their money, you would think they would put a nice rug on their head, like William Shatner did!

  5. Watching it right now. That toupee runs two stories high. My God! But his singing makes you forget it.

  6. Tony Bennett is a beautiful human being. His hair is a minor part of who is is.
