Thursday, May 7, 2009

Former boy bander A.J. McLean

Remember the Backstreet Boys? Remember that old guy in the Backstreet Boys? The one with the facial hair? Well that is A.J. McLean.

I was tipped off to A.J.'s hairline by his chronic hat wearing.

Even in what looks like 100 degree summer Cali weather, he would be in a knit hat. But sooner or later the hat comes off...

Here he looks like one of the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz. Lollipop, anyone?

I'm not even going to discuss the eye make-up. Even I won't go there.


  1. I will. It's funny enough that your hairline matches your beard... but guyliner?

  2. That sure is a loooot of forehead. ;)

  3. just kidding that was mean ajs hott
