Monday, September 14, 2009

Gary Sinise!

Lieutenant Dan is balding! (Well so is Forrest Gump)

Thanks to reader Lauri V. for the email on this one. Her email title read: CSI: Bald York. More to come on Gary Sinise's co-stars on CSI: New York. For now let's focus on Gary. Here's a picture of him in June 2008 at the GI Film Festival:


Clearly, he is balding on the front of his head. This shot has a nice shot of the thinner hairs up front, as well as the receding hair line. And if you have seen CSI: New York, then you have noticed how his hair line magically grew, and how his hair mysteriously thickened. Here he is on the show:


And I did a bit more digging into Gary Sinise, and noticed that in his more recent public appearances he seems to be wearing a front piece, perhaps he "borrowed" it from the CSI set.


This picture is from Gary's band, Lt. Dan Band's show on April 17, 2009. About a year after the top picture. Hmmm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a hair spray. Something like mascara but for your head. It washes up in a second turn. Than you have a makeup, the lights and a photoshop. Of course a hair stylist will glue up each hair to stay at a right place to cover your semi naked scalp. LoL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah...a piece of DOGSHIT with no life is running this blog. Get a life, fucking loser. Celebs are humans too abs your "justification" is WEAK. I am really hoping you'll be struck with some condition that is incurable and you have no control of and pepole will laugh at you, reject you and make you feel like shit🖕
